Тhe Scientology Volunteer Ministers, deeply worried by the wave of gender based violence and femicide, have taken a stand and joined the fight against this scourge with the “ACT NOW” movement that seeks to bring awareness of this plague by walking from Gauteng to Durban against GBV.
After catching wind of the “ACT NOW” movement, the Scientology Volunteer Ministers were more than willing to raise their voices in this fight against the senseless violence against women and children.
On November the 11th, they met with many other activists, officials and local celebrities in Durban, who have also been part of the movement and took on the challenge to walk the last leg of the more than 500 km journey despite all obstacles to make this message clear against gender based violence.
The Minister of Social development, who was also present at the walk acknowledged the Scientology Volunteer Ministers “Thank you to the Scientology Volunteer Ministers for coming over and walking with us” from the stage.
Mr. Luc Dubois of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers said “We have been through a lot as a Country and this year has definitely been challenging as we are battling Covid-19 and GBVF, it is time that we make it clear that we do not condone this coward act of violence on women and children, nor are we just going to sit by and let it continue”.
“GBFV has been a plague for a very long time but the statistics became more shocking during this lockdown to a point where the President of the country called it as a second pandemic. This is why we are here and we are saying enough is enough”. Added Mr. Dubois
In addition to that, the Scientology Volunteer Ministers have also been battling the Covid-19 pandemic and boast to have decontaminated over 38,836 buildings from one floor shelter to 35-floor government which totals more than a billion square feet; they have also sanitized over a million taxis, police cars, ambulances, fire trucks, army vehicles and other essential services vehicles. And they have volunteered a total of 576,500 hours to help the nation during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Scientology Volunteer Ministers have also been offering free skills development training in the form of short online courses throughout the Country during this time to provide skills on topics such as: Communication, Answers to drugs, learning difficulties, ethics, tools for the workplace, conflict resolution and more based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard.
They believe that by educating the masses on practical solutions to everyday problems, they could assist in handling some of the violence being perpetuated, they are resolute to carry on with this while raising their voices against gender based violence.