
ANC policies worsen South Africa’s unemployment crisis.

The new report that came out today about jobs in South Africa shows that things are still tough. The ANC, the party in charge, hasn’t been able to fix the problem.

Now, more people are without jobs – it’s gone up to 32.1%. And if you count in other stuff, like people who’ve given up looking for jobs, it’s even higher, at 41%.

Young people, especially those between 15 and 24, are having it really rough. Almost 7 out of 10 of them can’t find work. That’s about 2.46 million young South Africans who are stuck without jobs, all because of the ANC.

The ANC promised to make it easier to find work, but they haven’t. They haven’t changed the rules to help small businesses, and they keep making new rules that scare away investors and stop new jobs from being made.

The DA, the party in charge of the Western Cape, is showing that they know how to make things better. In their area, fewer people are without jobs – it’s only 20.3%. If they can do it, why can’t the rest of the country?

The DA has some plans to help. They want to give young people more chances to get jobs by letting them make their own decisions about work rules. And they want to change some grants to make sure people are looking for jobs if they’re getting help.

They also want to stop using race to decide who gets jobs. Instead, they’ll focus on helping people who don’t have much money. And they’ll change some rules to make it easier for businesses to do good things for the community and still make money.

When it comes time to vote, South Africans have a choice: stick with the ANC and keep struggling for jobs, or try something new.

By Michael Bagraim MP

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