

In an effort to boost the township economy and local business, the City of Ekurhuleni has put aside R9 million to assist owners of tuckshops, spaza shops; and fruit and vegetable traders in the region.

“The development of township economy is a national priority which is aimed at driving inclusive economic development in previously disadvantaged areas. Among the key objectives is the creation of jobs and poverty alleviation, which remain some of the major challenges facing our country,” says MMC for Developmental Planning and Real Estate Ald Nomadlozi Nkosi. “This trading support fund is one of the city’s key interventions to accelerate social and economic development in the identified sector, which happens to be the major means of survival in our communities.”  

The financial assistance for fruit and vegetable informal street traders will include an R10 000 voucher to purchase fresh produce stock, as well as entrepreneurial training by industry leaders from the Ekurhuleni Fresh Produce Market in Springs.

On the other hand, successful traders from the tuckshop and spaza shop sector will receive an R30 000 voucher for stock purchasing. Training and point-of-sale support from designated wholesalers will also be provided.

“This is a start and we hope that our people will seize the opportunity and optimise it. We have seen the struggles for our small entrepreneurs and we believe that every little intervention can go a long way to help them do better and run much more professional and profitable businesses,” elaborates Ald Nkosi.

Entrepreneurs who need assistance with the application process may visit any of their nearest Customer Care Centres where a dedicated team of business advisers are available to assist

Street traders should submit the supporting documents listed below as part of their applications for funding via email to on or before the closing date on Monday, 6 May 2024.

The supporting documents are:

  1. Certified copies of SA identity documents and/or valid immigration documents in case of non-South African residents;
  2. Valid trading permit;
  3. Proof of address in the form of a municipal statement of account, title deed or lease agreement; and
  4. One letter of support from the ward councillor.

Meanwhile, those applying for funding for their tuckshop or spaza shop should email their supporting documents to on or before the closing date on Tuesday, 30 April 2024.

The supporting documents are:

  1. Business Profile with details of Owners.
  2. Certified Copies of SA Identity Documents and/or Valid Immigration Documents in case of Non-SA
  3. Residents.
  4. Valid Business Licence or Trading Permit.
  5. Proof of address (Municipal Statement of Account, Title Deed or Lease Agreement).
  6. Two Business References and/or Letters of Support and Confirmation.


  • All required documentation must be attached. Failure to attach the required documents shall result in immediate disqualification;
  • No late application will be accepted under any condition;
  • The City of Ekurhuleni reserves the right not to make any award or to withhold any award without providing reasons;
  • No applications will be accepted from persons in the service of the state;
  • All applications shall be subject to confidentiality protection accorded in terms of the POPIA Act;
  • Successful applicants shall be subject to signing a Funding Agreement within 7 days of award. Failure to do so will result in automatic forfeiture.

NB: Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted, qualifying, and recommended applicants only. Applicants who may not have been contacted within two (2) weeks of the closing date should consider their application unsuccessful.

For any enquiries, applicants may contact Gugu Shelembe at (011) 999 7890.

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