
Splendid book launch: Authour sold more than 100 copies

People of all walks of life converged last week Tuesday at Covenant Keeping God Ministries in Boksburg in anticipation of Prophet Gabriel Nkaraonye’s latest book, ‘Breaking Through Life’s Barriers.

The charismatic preacher and prophet sold more than 100 copies of his novel book on that Tuesday afternoon. The copies of the book were sold at a reasonable price of R200 each, and during the book launch potential readers of the book paid R1000 for a copy and some paid R500.

The book is available in numerous bookshops and will be sold all over the world.

“The book will be sold in Australia very soon and l’m grateful that some local bookshops are supportive,” said the soft spoken Nkaraonye.

More than 50 people turned up for the launch. Among those who graced the event was Apostle Felix Okoh, Apostle Sekele, Head of traffic Department Dumiso Qgwane,Deputy Major Madihlaba Masele, musicians, Minister Martin PK ,Busi Sibiya, Sparks who is a Comedian and many more.

The event was opened by the metallic soft Rhumba music, which took delegates back to the days of Koffi Olomide and Kanda Bongoman of DRC, the praise and worship team performed some of its songs, and left the stage for Minister Martin PK who performed the song way maker by Nigerian singer Sinach before a discussion segment, on some of the topics which are on the book began.

A Comedian named Sparks set the full packed house on fire after the discussion segment, with his profound jokes.

Prophetess Reutte Roberts who spoke after the performance applauded Gabriel for his wisdom that is evident in his book.

“When I went through this book, I could not believe what I was reading, especially, because it was written by a first time Author, he showed a high level of wisdom and I am sure this book will go a long way in helping those who are facing barriers in their lives and it will guide them to overcome their barriers, it’s like a tool box to me,” she said.

The book was also endorsed by Annelese Van Huyssteen and Prophetess Coreen Van Zyl, however Gabriel gave all the praise to God saying it was through his grace that he had managed to go far.

“I fasted for seven days praying to God for wisdom before l started writing the book,” said the Prophet.

Meanwhile, the main highlight of the show was when a seasoned preacher and motivational speaker Apostle Felix Okoh went on stage with words of encouragement that left people clamouring for more.

Apostle Felix Okoh said he was proud and humbled by his spiritual son.”As a family we are proud of Gabriel because he has done something that is wonderful. l’ve been mentoring him and l have realised that his doing exactly what l taught him and I hope more people from our church will follow suit,” Said Okoh.

He said Gabriel set a new record by writing and publishing a book in a very short period of time.

By Emmanuel Kaitano

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